PUTERI Indonesia 2006 saat ini berada di Mexico untuk persiapan mengikuti pemilihan model internasional bertajuk Miss Universe 2007. Jadwal padatpun dijalani namun disaat ada waktu istirahat, Agni Prathista menyempatkan diri online melaui media internet untuk keluarga dan rekan-rekannya di Jakarta pada Jumat (4/5) Pagi sekitar pukul 10 WIB. Namun di Mexico hari sudah malam karena perbedaan waktu antara Indonesia dan Mexico.
Meski online hanya beberapa menit saja, namun Agni mau menyapa dengan akrab saat Rileks.com menyapanya dan menanyakan kabar terakhir. Apa kabar Agni? "Aku baik-baik aja mas meski sedikit lelah tapi aku senang dan bahagia dan sekarang lagi online sebentar buat liat-liat kabar dan menyapa temen-temen dan keluarga di Jakarta," jawab Agni melalui Yahoo mesenger.
Meski tak mau menjawab pertanyaan yang spesifik dengan alasan karena masih lelah, akhirnya online dilakukan hanya beberapa menit saja. "Iyah mas ini sebentar saja dan aku mau istirahat karena disini sudah malam dan besok pagi-pagi ada kegiatan lagi. Doain yah dan dukung aku," paparnya.

Beberapa hari yang lalu, pemilik nama lengkap Agni Prathista Arkadewi Kuswardono ini mengatakan sudah menjalani berbagai kegiatan yakni fiting baju renang, baju nasional dan gaun malam. Selain itu, Agni juga menjalani wawancara perkenalan oleh panitia
Jawaban Agni Saat Interview :
What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
Painting, making my own dresses and reading. What I enjoy the most is reading historical novels
What is your career ambition?
My career ambition is to become a successful entrepreneur, establish an education center for poor children, and children with special needs such as the autistic and mentally retarded.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was raised in Canberra, Australia, where my father was serving as the 3rd Secretary of the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra. When I was a little girl I was quite tomboy, and enjoyed climbing up to the top of the trees.
What do you want the judges to know about you?
I would like the judges to know about my background; my future carrier ambition; my reason why I am participating in this contest; and my opinion of the benefit in participating this contest.
Sumber : www.rileks.com, www.missuniverse.com
What is your career ambition?
My career ambition is to become a successful entrepreneur, establish an education center for poor children, and children with special needs such as the autistic and mentally retarded.

Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was raised in Canberra, Australia, where my father was serving as the 3rd Secretary of the Indonesian Embassy in Canberra. When I was a little girl I was quite tomboy, and enjoyed climbing up to the top of the trees.
What do you want the judges to know about you?
I would like the judges to know about my background; my future carrier ambition; my reason why I am participating in this contest; and my opinion of the benefit in participating this contest.
Sumber : www.rileks.com, www.missuniverse.com
123 komentar
wah, cepet banget ni update beritanya... udah bahas ajang miss univrs 2007. padahal acara gosip di tv aja blum ada yg nayangin.. geleng geleng.........
tapi aku udah baca di kran seh, kemarin... aku dukung agni kok! btw, dapet hasil wawancaranya drmana, hayo bo'ong??!!
Heh tukang tipu.... lo bohong banget ya.. Agni personal close-up inetrvuew tu bukan itu pertanyaannya... dasar orang tarakan norak, kampungan, n tukang tipu
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